MLK Day Activities:
Moved to Virtual

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About Athletics at GSFS
At GSFS, all students in grades 5 - 8 have the opportunity to participate in after school sports. Our students deepen their understanding of teamwork, sportsmanship, commitment, and  effort by participating in sports. We offer six athletic activities in all, with two after school sports options available each season. The offerings are:


Outdoor Games
Outdoor Games

Soccer, basketball and softball practices take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 - 5:00. Outdoor games and yoga take place on Tuesdays and Thursdaya from 3:15 - 4:15. Games and meets are scheduled with other schools for soccer, basketball, softball and track. Students may participate in one sport per season, and they are required to join at least one sport during their middle school years.

Our after school athletics program connects with our mission and supports our goal of educating the whole child. We have the following goals for students in their participation in sports at GSFS:

We hope, that by engaging in Athletics, students will:

  • - be exposed to new experiences
  • - learn how to be a positive participant in a team
  • - contribute toward a shared goal
  • - try out leadership in small or large ways
  • - demonstrate responsibility
  • - deepen skills involved in the activity
  • - embrace a growth mindset, believing that effort yields results
  • - come to know themselves -- their strengths and challenges -- better
  • - come to know and value the strengths of others