MLK Day Activities:
Moved to Virtual

Pollyanna Racial Literacy Curriculum

Greene Street Friends School utilizes the Pollyanna Racial Literacy curriculum in all grades, believing anti-racism work is at the very heart of our mission and community.

Pollyanna is a K-8 Racial Literacy Curriculum that has been designed to help students gain knowledge about race as it has been constructed in the United States. While Pollyanna provides a complete scope and sequence, we are also finding synergies with the curriculum and our Life Skills social emotional curriculum. We are fortunate to have a strong base upon which to build and supplement. Sample lessons in the Pollyanna curriculum include:

1st Grade: How our differences can be our strengths.

5th Grade: How has “immigration” impacted the US?

8th Grade: What is Racism? How does Racism impact individuals and society?

For more information about the curriculum, you can access the Parent and Caregivers Guide HERE.

Keeanga-Yamhatta Taylor speaks to middle school students about the importance of getting involved in social justice work.