Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am

One of the primary goals of the PCA, as it works collaboratively with the school, is to enhance our GSFS community by giving a voice to parents and caregivers. The PCA sponsors meetings throughout the year to provide opportunities for dialogue and support, along with community-building and fundraising events. We hope to represent all families and caregivers and want to partner with you as there will be chances for your family to help with our events and programs.  We welcome your input and time, regardless of how much time you have to give.

Every family is a member of the PCA, and your tuition to GSFS includes your dues to support the PCA. After a period of rebuilding, we look forward to developing a robust PCA during the 2024-25 school year. The PCA Board meets every other week in the evening to ensure the success of school events and to respond to concerns brought forth by parents. General meetings will be held on the following dates. Pizza and childcare are provided and all members of the school community are encouraged to attend.

PCA General meetings, 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Armat Gym

  • Tuesday Sept 24
  • Monday Nov 11, “State of the School"
  • Wednesday Jan 8
  • Tuesday March 4
  • Thursday May 1

Please review and sign up for upcoming volunteer opportunities and reach out to PCA leadership at with any questions.