Wed, February 12: Due to inclement weather,
school will open on a 2-hour delay


Halloween Parade and Alternate Activities
Fans of Star Wars, the Disney princesses, ghosts and goblins, today is your day! Students of all ages enjoy sharing their costumes and marching in a parade. Older students escort younger students around the block as parents watch and cheer.

For those who do not celebrate Halloween, we offer an array of creative and fun activities including baking and making art.

Grandparents and Mentors Day
Every year, grandparents and other special friends of our students are invited to school for a day packed with educational and fun activities. Nearly 300 guests join us for this incredible day of cross-generational learning, in the classroom and Meeting House, and on the playground.

Pi Day
3.14159.... the mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. A holiday, of course, celebrated on March 14 (3/14), naturally. Children engage in developmentally appropriate math games and activities, and we end by sharing... what else? Pie!

Color Day
Red vs. White. Chicken Toss, Spoon and Egg, Water Balloon Toss, and much more. Color Day has been a tradition at Greene Street for more than 100 years, and is a favorite day for many students.

Talent Shows
From dance routines to air guitar, magic tricks to knock-knock jokes, garage bands to original skits, the talent show brings out the creative side of students and staff alike.

Graduation is held in the Meeting House and is a moving and memorable experience for the 8th graders, the faculty, parents, alumni and friends. Every 8th grader makes a banner that represents who they are, and these banners serve as the decoration for graduation. Most importantly, every graduate writes and delivers a speech to the assembled group, before receiving their Greene Street Friends School diploma.