Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am


Upcoming Events

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

A Message from Tricia Ebarvia, Director of DEI

In my role as Director of DEI, and as a daughter of Filipino immigrants, I often think about the concept of the Tagalog word kapwa.

“Kapwa is a recognition of a shared identity, an inner self, shared with others. This Filipino linguistic unity of the self and the other is unique and unlike in most modern languages. Why? Because implied in such inclusiveness is the moral obligation to treat one another as equal fellow human beings. If we can do this – even starting in our own family or our circle of friends – we are on the way to practice peace. We are Kapwa People.” - Professor Virgilio Enriquez

Indeed, kapwa echoes and resonates with many of the Quaker values we hold at Greene Street Friends, especially around community. To live in the spirit of kapwa means to recognize our shared humanity and act in the common good — and it's in the spirit that I approach my work here with parents/caregivers, students, colleagues, and all members of this special community. 

I look forward to partnering with you throughout the year to help make GSFS a more equitable and just space for all of us. On this page below, and in regular email updates, you’ll learn more about our efforts to make GSFS a truly equitable and just place for all. 

Home-School Partnership

One of my goals is to be an effective listener and partner with families. If you ever have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Send me and email at, if you’d prefer, feel free to schedule a time directly on my calendar below.

Occassionally, I also send a DEI newsletter to families (titled "Kapwa"). Find current and recent Kapwa newsletters under DEI resources at

  • DDEI and CARES Roundtables / Gatherings - In keeping with our belief in the value of community and our commitment to home-school partnership, we will be holding monthly roundtable discussions and social events with CARES (Parent and Caregiver Association, Committee for Advancing Racial Equity in our School). All parents/caregivers and faculty/staff are invited. More information about CARES workshops can be found HERE.