school will open on a 2-hour delay
Street Friends School is an educational activity of Green Street Monthly
Meeting. The Monthly Meeting and the Board’s Governance Committee work
collaboratively to nominate and appoint Trustees to the School's governing Board.
The Board of GSFS appoints the Head of School, who manages the School's
operations and reports directly to the Board. Currently there are 15 Board
Trustees, whom you can read more about by clicking here.
Key Board
responsibilities include:
- Setting overall strategy and policy objectives for the School.
- Partnering with the administration to ensure that the School is living into its Mission Statement.
- Ensuring the fiscal well-being of the School and that the School is in compliance with current laws and regulations.
- Supporting and evaluating the Head of School.
- Connecting the School with the Central Germantown community, the City of Philadelphia and the world beyond our campus.
- Caring for the relationship between the Monthly Meeting and the School.