MLK Day Activities:
Moved to Virtual

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The GSFS Teaching Associate Program enriches learning for our students while providing a dynamic growth experience for our Teaching Associates. In one to three years at GSFS, TAs gain experience, knowledge, and confidence to pursue their chosen paths in education. Currently, we have teaching associates in each of our Pre-K to 2nd grade classrooms. There is also a Teaching Associate who supports grades 3-4 and another who supports grades 5-6. TAs support all elements of classroom life, and they take the lead in chosen areas as they grow ready. Weekly workshops, regular reflection, and daily application of best practices combine to spark dialogue and shared energy for teaching. 

TAs experience firsthand almost all facets of teaching as they partner with the classroom teacher. During the year, the TAs teaching role grows, encompassing opportunities to design, teach, and evaluate the effectiveness of lessons. 

If you are interested in applying for our TA program, please check out the Career section of our website to view open positions. If you have any questions about the program, please contact Jane Ellis ( and Kareem Rogers ( 


Jane & Kareem