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Gabrielle Deveaux - 2nd Grade Lead Teacher

lower school

Gabby (she/her) is a 2nd grade Lead Teacher and is dedicated to fostering community, resiliency, and joy. She loves time at the beach, macaroni and cheese, reading and talking about books. She also enjoys discovering new music, dancing, doing yoga, having picnics outside and exploring Philadelphia with her partner Joel and two young children Ophelia and Octavius.

Gabby was born in Jamaica, grew up in central Florida and spent 21 years living in NYC fueling her deep interest in The Harlem Renaissance. She graduated from NYU with both her bachelors and masters degree. Gabby’s studies took her abroad numerous times studying Art History in Italy as well as Media and Globalization in Amsterdam and London. Gabby also spent considerable time in Italy exploring international education. Particularly, researching the early-childhood educational philosophy behind the Reggio Emilia approach and building a supportive yet exploratory instructional environment.

Gabby has been a teacher for over 18 years. During this time she was a key-note speaker for several seminars through NYU Child Study Center and served on the board of several nonprofits . She was a Special Education Teacher and Instructional Specialist with the NYC Department of Education for eight years in West Harlem before moving to Philadelphia. In the classroom, she loves finding ways to nurture curiosity and embrace diversity. At the same time, helping children to develop an intrinsic love of learning and creativity while strengthening their roles as global citizens.