Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am

Jan 28, 2015


1st Grade Authors' Party

On Friday afternoon, students in April's and Lori's 1st grade classes invited their parents and guardians for a special celebration: the completion of their first non-fiction chapter books!

Students began working on the books in December. They each chose a subject that they knew about: from the Ice Age and how to take care of a dog to basketball and Michael Jackson. Each student worked with their teachers to figure out what they wanted their book to tell people, how to break up the information into chapters, and how to properly use grammar and spelling. Each book featured original artwork by the students, a table of contents, an introduction, a conclusion, and three or more chapters.

Way to go, 1st grade! Special thanks to the 1st grade teachers, April, Kate, Lori, and Julia, for their support and guidance and to all of the family members who celebrated with us on Friday.