Doretha Smith - Lunch, ASP Staff


 Doretha (she/her) grew up in Mt Airy section of the city. She started  her love for children and caring for them at a very early age. She received her first paying job at Germantown High School first Child Care Center  in 10th Grade. Her love of Children and Youth grew stronger in a program called YETP Youth Education Training Program. Doretha received a certificate from Community College, and has worked at Greene Street for the last 18 years. Doretha has had many roles: ASP, managing the lunch room, subbing, and providing administrative support. Doretha also has experience working in the foster care system, and is a director in a youth ministry program. 
Doretha also loves making things, especially with Greene Street students. Together they make jewelry and children's and adult purses. She just loves making them smile! For Doretha, Greene Street has always been a home away from home where everyone know each other's name. Greene Street is really a great place to be that's why she is still here!