Preschool for 3 year olds, 
coming in September!

Nov 12, 2015


5th Grade Gears up for Community Service with Face to Face

In preparation for their partnership this year with Face to Face, the 5th grade classes welcomed Director Mary Kay to campus on Wednesday to hear about the organization, its mission, and its services. Mary highlighted the fact that "what we do is not as important as the way we do it."
Fifth grade teacher Kate reiterated Mary's message about the importance of how people are treated and that community service is a partnership. "Every time I go there, I get something new out of the experience. We all get so much out of having Face to Face in our community." Kate and the students reflected on how Face to Face's mission reflects the Quaker SPICES (Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship) that GSFS students learn.
Students also learned more about how non-profits function and how that will later tie into their Million Dollar Project, in which they will create and budget for their own non-profit.

For their community service project, they will visit Face to Face to meet with its clients and play Bingo together as well as organize a canned food drive. Traditionally the canned food drive took place around Thanksgiving, but has been moved to the spring because that is when Face to Face most needs donations.