Nov 25, 2014


Costa Rican Students Share Language, Culture, and Geography in GSFS Classrooms

The GSFS community was thrilled that the Costa Rican exchange students arrived in Philadelphia last week. Their time has so far been split between exploring and adventuring (including trips to the Adventure Aquarium on Saturday, New York City on Sunday and Washington, D.C. on Tuesday and Wednesday) and being in the classroom teaching and sharing with GSFS students of all ages.

The Costa Rican students have visited every classroom. One activity taught Costa Rican geography to Sandie's 2nd grade, including that there are five active volcanoes in the country. After learning about volcanoes they created their own using dirt, baking soda, and vinegar.

They shared favorite Spanish songs with the Kindergarten and pre-Kindergarten classes. During both the Lower and Middle School assemblies this week, the students performed modern Costa Rican folklore dances and "bombas" which are interactive and funny riddles.

Thank you again to the 8th grade families that are hosting our friends from Costa Rica!