by Jacob '15
Field Trips are a big part of the experience here at GSFS. On Wednesday, the 5th grade went to Sandy Springs Adventure Park in Sandy Springs, Maryland, where they climbed and zip-lined from tree to tree! They came home the next day. The 3rd and 4th grades went on their camping trip as well on Wednesday, the 3rd graders returned Thursday and the 4th grade Friday. The students in Kindergarten went to Harper’s Meadow, a small park in Philly, where they spent much of their day playing and having fun together.
Going back, the twenty-ninth of April, the 8th grade went to Washington D.C. for three days, finishing with the whole class knowing everyone else much better. Back in March, the 7th grade went to Costa Rica, where they experienced a new culture and a whole different world.
The trips are finishing up, the year is almost over, and summer is about to begin, finally!