Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am

Sep 08, 2016


Horizons Completes First Summer at GSFS

This June, Greene Street Friends School launched our very first summer of Horizons, a summer enrichment program for students in our local neighborhood who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Our first cohort of students all came from Wister Elementary School's kindergarten and filled our campus with so much happiness and energy. They spent six action packed weeks learning in math centers, becoming avid readers, engaging in science experiments, exploring their musical side, and diving into swimming lessons. We went on six different trips that brought them all over Philadelphia. Most of the students had their first hands on experience with nature at the Schuylkill River Center. They interacted with horses, they picked blackberries, and they discovered patterns at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The group unanimously loved the Please Touch Museum and their trip to Bounce U. Our Horizons students and teachers learned so much from one another and were deeply supported by the Greene Street Friends School community. We thank everyone who showed us their support and care and are eager to start planning for Summer 2017. Take a look at our video to see and learn more about this magical summer and "like" Horizons on Facebook