Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am

Jun 10, 2016


Lower School Sends 4th Grade Students to Middle School

Lower School students began a new tradition this week when they held a special assembly to honor the 4th grade as they transition to the Middle School.

Ryan welcomed the Pre-Kindergarten to 4th grade students by reflecting on this year as well as his own lessons from 4th grade. He shared that it was a time that he discovered many things that he still loves to this day - much as he hopes that the current 4th grade has with their passion projects.
Students in Avery's and Maggie's 4th grade classes took turns sharing highlights from each year of their GSFS educations from Pre-Kindergarten to this year. After they spoke, everyone watched a slideshow of photos from the past six years and Lower School teachers sang "Forever Young."
The current fifth grade students created a bridge for the 4th graders to walk through as they exited the music room and walked up to the middle school. When they left, the 3rd grade students moved up to their place, signifying their new roles as leaders in the Lower School.

We wish the best of luck to our 4th grade students as they join the Middle School at Greene Street Friends next year! We are proud of all they have accomplished - and all that they will continue to do over the next four years.