Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am

Sep 18, 2014


Middle School Choices

Every Wednesday, Middle School students in Grades 5-8 participate in "Choices." They meet in groups of ten, mixed-grade students to line dance, play in a rock band, do yoga, make a podcast for "Greene Street Radio," or participate in other fun activities.

Three times a year the students choose from a list of twelve or more Choices. Faculty interests and passions generate the select that is offered. Greene Street's growth as a school has helped expand the program. With two fifth and sixth grades, more specialists, and more full-time assistants there's more to choose.

Other options this year include lacrosse, cooking, and basket weaving. Dean of Middle School Kiri Harris notes that students return to homeroom at the end of the Choices period excited and talkative. "What did you do?" can be heard throughout the Middle School hallways. Students reflected that they like the mixed-grade structure and the chance to dive into a new challenge.

The full list of options this fall includes: Greene Street Radio, Book Club, Paint Party, iMovie, Line Dancing, Card Games, Basket Making, Rock Band, Lacrosse, Outdoor Games, Mobile Apps, and Yoga.
Thank you to 7th grade parent Wendy Horwitz for writing this article!