Welcoming Our New TA's for 2016!
Dawn Aparin is partnering with Roe in PreK this year. She went to Rowan University and served as a Park Ranger in Gloucester County NJ. Dawn has taught first aid and CPR, so see her close by on the playground. Dawn also comes to us with much experience with education and Quakerism. She was the director of Plymouth Meeting Friends after school program for 8 years and also served as a teaching Assistant in their 1st and 2nd grade classroom. Dawn is also a beekeeper and got literally buckets of honey from the bees at PMFS.
Dana Thorpe is joining Lois in Kindergarten. She s a graduate of Lincoln University, where she also served as a resident advisor and co-founded a drama program for children in the surrounding area. Dana helped to start an independent school in Oxford, North Carolina, where she taught and also took care of helping to administrate and develop the school. Dana has been a youth mentor for girls, and she lived in Saudi Arabia for 5 years and Cairo for 2 years.
Jeremy Geragotelis is Raven’s partner in 1R this year. Jeremy is a graduate of Bennington College where he earned his Bachelors in Literature and Playwriting. He has a wide range of experiences in education. He worked in Bennington College’s admissions office, he was a Teacher’s Aid at Woodstock Academy, he has been a private tutor, and for four summers he composed intensive theater programs for lower and middle school kids at the Complex Performing Arts Center in Putnam, CT. Jeremy has also led theater workshops in Tokyo, Japan.
Jessica Lamber is joining Lori in 1L this year. She’s a graduate of Earlham College who earned her Masters in Elementary Ed at Temple. Jessica is now returning to teaching after spending time with her young children. She taught Kindergarten at Friends School Haverford, and was a TA and student teacher at Friends Select. Some of you may recognize Jessica from volunteering in Steve’s Kindergarten last year.
Christine Cerruti is partnering with Peale in 2P this year. After majoring in Psychology at University of Delaware, Christine went on to earn her Masters of Ed in School and Mental Health Counseling at U of P. In her work with Catch, Inc, Christine worked with students as well as teachers to support students’ social and emotional well being. Christine volunteered in Mexico at Manos de Amor Casa Hogar several summers ago and spent 5 weeks in Mexico this summer.
Nathan Siegel is joining Sandie in 2S. Nathan is a Swarthmore graduate with a major in theater. who also spent a semester in Montevideo, Uruguay. Nathan worked with TEEN’MPower this past year in Albuquerque NM. This is an HIV prevention program through Planned Parenthood designed for LGBTQ youth and allies. Nathan also served as a resident advisor and tour guide at Swarthmore. He has been a counselor at a performing arts camp where he led team-building and activities for kids in grades 4 through 9.