Lana (she/they) is an art therapist and counselor, obtaining their masters at Drexel University. They have been working in schools with youth for many years and are passionate about creating safe...
- middle school
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Matt (he/him) joined the GSFS community in 2023. A North Jersey native, Matt was a 2008 Teach for America-Baltimore corps member, and worked with pre-service corps members as an instructor and coach...
- lower school
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Danielle (she/her) is joining the Greene Street Friends community with great excitement as she steps into the librarian position. Born in Michigan, she frequently explored the woods with a book in...
- lower school
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Maani (she/her), a proud graduate of the University of Michigan, joined the Greene Street Friends Development Office in 2012. Prior to Greene Street Friends School, she worked at The Franklin...
- admin
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