Preschool Info Sessions:
Jan 17, Feb 3, Feb 21 - 8:30 am

Families, friends, alumni, and Meeting members are invited to join the GSFS community for the Spring Concert beginning at 7:00pm on Thursday, May 12 in front of the Meetinghouse.

Grades Pre-K through 6th will be performing in addition to the Chorus and our a capella group, the Quaker Notes. All of the students have been working hard and are eager to share their songs.

Please find below the details for the evening of the concert:

Date and Time:
The concert will take place on Thursday, May 12 at 7:00pm on the Meetinghouse Lawn and will last for about one hour.
  • Grades Pre-Kindergarten through 6: Please plan for all children to be at school, seated with their teachers by 6:45pm. This will allow everyone enough time to settle in and be ready to start the concert at 7:00pm.
  • Chorus: Singers should meet in front of the Meetinghouse at 6:15pm so we can warm-up and run through our songs one last time.
  • Quaker Notes: Singers should meet in front of the Meetinghouse at 5:50pm in order to do a final microphone check and run-through.
The concert will be held outside in front of the Meetinghouse. With any luck we will be blessed with a warm evening. In the event that it is cool out, please come prepared with jackets and blankets.

Grades Pre-Kindergarten through 6 may wear dress-casual or party clothes such as nice shirts and pants, dresses, or skirts. Please avoid sneakers, jeans, and shirts with graphic designs or text.

  • Chorus may wear party clothes as well. Chorus members do not need a separate outfit for the choral portion of their performance.
  • Quaker Notes will be wearing black pants or jeans and their Quaker Notes shirts.
The Citizens Bank and PPA lots on Armat Street will be available for parking. Please also note that parking is available on School House Lane and street parking on Armat Street is free after 6:00pm.

Seating at the Concert:
Students in Grades 1-6 are expected to sit with their class and teacher throughout theconcert. 

We would love for all the children and families to stay for the entire performance, but for some of our youngest children this is a light night. After the Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten classes sing, we ask that parents bring your children back to your seats. This will allow you to take your tired one home early if necessary.
Pre-Concert Dinner:
The 6th grade is hosting a pizza dinner for families in need of a bite before the concert. This is a great way to feed your family, see friends before the concert, and support the 6th grade trip to the Pocono Environmental Education Center! Please pre-register online here and bring your payment with you to the dinner.

Concert Attendance Policy:
Over the past couple of months, every class has devoted much time and energy into preparing for the Spring Concert, and we are excited to share our songs. In preparation for performance, students learn about singing technique, how to maintain their part while singing in two-three part harmony, and how to read multi-part sheet music, which includes identifying a multitude of musical terms and performing the song in a way that reflects the directions in the written music. Preparing for the concerts is a large part of our curriculum and the process incorporates all the aspects of music literacy that are found throughout our varied studies.  

For this reason, student participation in the concert is expected. When speaking to the students about this, I likened our work in class to studying for a test or practicing for a game, and the concert to taking the test or playing in the game. The performance should be a joyful experience but it is also valuable to the students' learning process. Attendance will be accounted for on students' fourth quarter report cards as either a checklist item (PK-Grade 4) or a test grade (Grades 5-6). If a student misses the concert because of sickness or an emergency, he or she will be given an opportunity to complete a make-up assignment that relates to the concert. Please email me in this case.             

The Winter and Spring Concerts are a wonderful time for our community to come together, and my hope is that attending the concerts brings joy to everyone. I believe this to be the true purpose of the events and of music in general. I hope this email communicates the spirit behind asking everyone to attend, the value of concert performance as a learning experience, and the integral role the concerts play in the music curriculum. 
Looking forward to seeing you all on May 12!