Greene Street Friends School will be closed on Friday, March 7, but the After School Program will be open for a full day of programming from 8am to 6pm. We have spent the school year at ASP focusing on the theme of Germantown: Moving through Time. On March 7, we will continue our investigation by taking a morning walking tour of Germantown. In the afternoon, we will use what we learned to build a 3-dimensional map of our neighborhood.
Between the hours of 9 and 11:30, the Germantown Historical Society will coordinate our walking tour. We will visit local sites and see and learn how they fit into our community history. Walking distance and discussion will be geared for students from PreK to 6th grade.
We will return to Greene Street for lunch. During the afternoon hours, we will be joined by our carpentry teacher, Janice Smith. She will work with the students to build a 3D model of our neighborhood. The students will build important historical structures to add to our map.
If your child would like to join us for the Full Day on March 7, we must have registration forms as well as full payment no later than Friday, February 28th. The cost of the program is $48. We are not able to accept registration forms after Feb 28th. Registrations and payments can be given to an ASP staff member, dropped off to the Business Office in Hargroves House, or to classroom teachers via your child’s backpack. A list of all registered students will be posted at ASP on Monday, March 2nd. If you are unable to check the list at ASP, please email Amy at to confirm that your child’s registration was received.
The registration form is available for download here:
The registration form is available for download here:
As with our usual Full-Day programming, families need to provide their student’s lunch and drink, but we will be providing morning and afternoon snacks. There is no childcare prior to 8:00am and all Late-Pick-ups- after 6:00pm- will be charged $1 per minute. Unfortunately, we cannot accept drop-ins and cancellations cannot be refunded.