The Winter Concert is just around the corner! Students in Grades 1-6 will be performing in addition to the Chorus, POPS and Quaker Notes. Please find below the details for the evening of the concert:
Date and Time: The concert will take place on Thursday, December 11 at 7:00pm and will last for roughly an hour.
- Grades 1-6: Please plan for all children to be at the church, seated with their teachers, by 6:45pm. This will allow everyone enough time to settle in and be ready to start the concert at 7:00pm The doors will open at 6:30pm.
- Chorus: Please plan for singers to arrive by 6:10pm so we can warm-up and run through our songs one last time.
- Quaker Notes: Please plan for singers should arrive at 5:50pm to rehearse and usher.
Place: The concert will be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Germantown between Germantown Avenue and Greene Street on Chelten Avenue.
- Students in grades 1-6 may wear dress-casual or party clothes such as nice shirts and pants, dresses or skirts. If possible, please avoid jeans and shirts with graphic designs or text.
- Chorus is expected to wear black on the bottom, including shoes, and white on top.
- Quaker Notes will wear black pants or jeans and their Quaker Notes shirts.
- Pops will wear Chorus or Quaker Notes attire, or jeans and a button-down shirt.
Necessities: There are several bathrooms and water fountains available in the church. Please encourage your children to use the facilities before checking in with their teachers at 6:45pm.
Parking: Some parking is available on the Germantown Avenue side of the church. There is also parking at GSFS in the Armat Building lot and the Citizens Bank lot (accessible from West School House Lane between Greene Street and Germantown Avenue).
Dinner: If you feel like finding the time for dinner may be challenging, all are invited to the 6th grade dinner:
When: Thursday, December 11 from 5pm until it's time to go to the concert
Where: In the lunchroom
How much: $8 per person or $28 for families of four or more.