Monday, Jan 21:
School will open with a 2 hour delay 


Upcoming Events

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Annual PCA Events

The Parents and Caregivers Association works year-round to promote our vision of vibrant, relevant involvement in our school. Parent and Caregiver leaders plan events, fundraise, and foster the tight-knit community Greene Street is known for. Here are some annual highlights:

Back to School and Stan Kenyon BBQ's:

Twice a year, in September and again in June, PCA parents fire up the grill and make burgers, hot dogs, and veggie burgers for the entire community. Families bring a side dish to share for this joyful event that celebrates the start and end of each school year.


Recent activities have included Color Day T-shirts, Swag sales, and High Point coffee sales.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Action:

During our annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Action, families gather at Greene Street Friends to participate in service projects and evaluate their role in breaking the cycle of systemic racism. 


The Lion's Story:

A storyteller, an opera singer, a black history museum, a drum ensemble, a dance troupe, and of course, a soul food dinner. These are just a few activities the PCA has put together recently to celebrate the month of February and Black History.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Luncheon:

To show its appreciation for the amazing and hard-working teachers and staff at Greene Street Friends, the PCA hosts a delicious and relaxing luncheon. Parent and Caregiver volunteers help decorate the dining room, bring baked goods, and serve delicious fare.