Monday, Jan 21:
School will open with a 2 hour delay 


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Class Potluck Tips

Just Do It, Do It Early, Keep it Simple!

Gathering outside of school is such an important way to build deeper connections between GSFS families, for both kids and caregivers alike. It's central to the creation of a strong classroom culture, and it can really help to build trust, connection, and community. 

 Class vote or host's choice, September, October or early November work best. Creating an online poll via Doodle or another site can be very helpful in the planning process. 

 If no one volunteers to host it at their house, consider a park like:

  • Allen's Lane playground
  • Walnut Lane/ Rittenhouse Town
  • Blue Bell Hill
  • Fort Washington State Park
  • Fairmount Park
  • Or, local restaurants: Attic Brewery, Young American Cider House

Time: A weekend day is usually ideal, and it's usually a couple of hours. 

Food: Organized sign-up online using sign up genius or even a google form! 

Tip: Be sure to ask a couple people to bring paper goods, garbage bags, and drinks (and/or remind folks to bring reusable water bottles!) 

Invitations: Send the details home via e-mail and/or backpacks.