Julia (she/her) joined the Greene Street community in 2014. A life-long learner and leader, she has worn many hats here, including Librarian and Technology Coordinator, but now is in her dream role...
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Daisy Daniels (she/her) is the Admission Assistant at Greene Street. She came to Greene Street Friends School in 2012 after thirteen years of being a stay at home mom. She enjoys meeting and giving...
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Geoff (he/him) joined the GSFS community in June of 2021. He worked previously with the Germantown Life Enrichment Center as the IT, Program and Facility Director. He also spent 16 years supporting...
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John (he/him) is a native Philadelphian with an innate and insatiable sense of curiosity. After graduating from Temple University in 1994, he has taught science and art in the Philadelphia area and...
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Gabby (she/her) is a 2nd grade Lead Teacher and is dedicated to fostering community, resiliency, and joy. She loves time at the beach, macaroni and cheese, reading and talking about books. She also...
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Steve (he/him) grew up in Germantown and went to a Friends school as a child. After studying Environmental Education at University of Colorado he returned to Philadelphia and completed a degree in...
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Tricia (she/her) brings 20 years of classroom instructional experience and equity work with her to Greene Street Friends as the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. A former high school...
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Jane (she/her) is the Dean of Grades 4 to 8 and Co-director of the Teaching Associate (TA) Program at Greene Street Friends. Previously, she served as a 4th grade lead teacher. She completed her...
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Rob Evans (he/him) is the Physical Education teacher for grades Pre-K thru 8, and the Athletic Director and Coach for the Interscholastic sports programs. He has been at Greene Street Friends since...
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